Collaboration & Reviews

Honest & Fair Reviews

I love using new technology and products. There are constantly new products that are changing the way we work and I like being a helpful, honest resource.


My Product Review Manifesto

I receive many emails regarding product reviews, so I’ve written a review manifesto based on my principles and style of writing honest reviews.

I Will…

  • Use the product and write my own review in my own words

  • Make a YouTube video and blog post on my website about the product

  • Disclose if the product was free

  • Update the review based on future releases and features

I Will Not…

  • Forward my review to anyone before posting

  • Leave out negative aspects of the product

  • Alter my review of a product after finishing, unless I make a technical mistake

  • Write a review on an external website, posing as a person who purchased the product

Turn Around Time

My Typical turnaround time for reviews is 3 weeks. 

This is not an absolute timeline - if the product is more complicated, the timeline is longer. For simple products, I can review them in a shorter period of time. 

If you have a specific time period, state that in your initial email, please.

Pre-production or Unreleased Products

Please let me know the dates and exact times at which I may release the video/article. Please also send any spec sheets or other materials.

Business Email:

Send Products To…

Keith Knittel
14837 Detroit Ave, Ste 187
Lakewood Ohio 44107


Do you want to work together? Want video or design work? I'd love to talk. You can reach me via email at 

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Send Products To…

Keith Knittel
14837 Detroit Ave, Ste 187
Lakewood Ohio 44107
United States


If you're sending anything to me, it would be helpful to let me know via email or Instagram DM first.