About Me

Filmmaker & Designer based in Cleveland, Ohio. 

Want to Collaborate?

I love working with great people, teams, and brands. If you'd like to collaborate, send me an email at keith@keithknittel.com or fill out the form below.

A quick overview

I started with filming and shooting photos of my friends skateboarding in high school.

This was when I learned to edit on the family computer in my parent's kitchen.

I applied the HTML and CSS skills that I learned from customizing MySpace templates (I know, I’m dating myself here) to make a website to share my photos and videos with friends.

It loaded slowly, and the design was terrible - but seeing people interact with something I made was one of the most satisfying things I've ever done. I haven't stopped shooting or designing since.

After getting my BFA in Design, I started working at a Software & Design Agency (that I still work for).

I also freelance, but more recently, I’ve found an interest in making YouTube videos. Watch some videos and say hello. 👋

If you're interested in how I go about my brand collaborations and how I review products, check out my methods and ethics of reviewing products.